Soria kennenlernen

The newborn river Duero capital city welcomes whoever comes, betweem two hills, between el Mirón and the Castle, looking towards the future excited to have and to offer the visitor a more and more demanded quality of live.
Its said that it takes its name from the SO (that looks or lookout) and ORIA, from UR-A (river or current of water), that is, the overlook (or el Mirón) of or over the river, in this case river Duero.
Soria preserves it historical and medieval character, corner that speak poetry and natural spots that invite you to admire and enjoy relaxation, peace and the best landscapes; but, at the same time, the city is alive, is an actual hotbed beacuse of its intense cultural agenda and all kind of activities, sport, gastronomy, music,etc.
Witness of the medieval era, the city has conserved a true monumental catalogue with actual jewels of the Romanesque literature: churches, walls, monasteries and the medieval bridge across river Duero, exceptional witness of the border character the area had and that preserves with its archs and cut waters its medieval silhouette.
To this ega corresponds as well the city shield: gules red field, silver castle, with three tower from which appear a golden crowned king bust.
But the city also shows slim and important Gothic buildings, while it is peppered with noble streets of Renaissance palaces that display in their sculpted façades coats of arms, archs and windows with big decorative elements.
Of a great charm, beauty and symbolism are as well churches, hermitages and convents of barroque-style that can be admired both in the city and its surroundings, standing out the Hermitage of San Saturio, patron of the city, built on the cave on river Duero banks, where art and nature masterfully merge.
The city of Soria, followed and barbican, is also a land written with the pen of Becquer, Machado, Gerardo Diego or Unamuno, authors of literary cartography that follows on body and letter a multiplied route.
That way is how the poetic heritage turns here into landscape.
Our Soria, the one to which many titles and slogans ar attributed: the oldest one "Very noble and loyal city of Soria", or the one of its coat of arms," Soria pura, cabeza de estremadura" ("Puer Soria, head of river Duero end") or the literary ones "Soria, the well singed", "Soria city of poets", or the machadian ones "mystical and combatnat", "Cold Soria, Castilian city, so beautiful under the moonlight", it is also a "Teresian city", or even the festivities son lyric "Soria, es la gloria de España ("Soria, is the glory of Spain"), or the one of the national pop hit "The difficult place to find(...) on river Duero banks (...) I'm on my way to Soria, where are you going?, there I feel the glory I never felt before".
Visitor, open your eyes to this city.
To the redish colours of its palaces and roofs, the browns of its autumn, the green of its parks, the blue of the sky.
To the smell of the surrounding mountains, of its pleasant summer nights.
To the taste of its stoves, its butter, its torrenillo (crunchy bacon) and its mycology.
To the sounds of its festivities, its terraces, its Collado Main Street.
Definitely, open your senses to visit this city and to a different experience.